Sunday, March 10, 2013

Our Trip to Italy

This is my trip to Italy.  We had ice cream there, and it's very nice there, and it's sunny, and I just want to say one thing:  The Rain in Spain Lies Mainly in the Plain. I saw that on My Fair Lady.

In Italy, we stayed in a hotel, and the beds were really comfy-- there were two beds.  We went to a cafe to have breakfast, and I think I really enjoy doing blogs.  Thank you so much for commenting on my blog.

In Italy, we went to Bellagio, and there were lots and lots of houses.  We stayed on Lake Como, and there were mountains in the background.  And there were mountains, and we took a walk in the hills, and we had ice cream in a shop.  The people there treated me so good.  They smiled and talked to me, patted my head, and kissed me and did this [holds face between her hands.] 

I'm looking forward to hearing more of your comments on my blog.

 Here's an ice cream restaurant.
 This picture makes me feel like I'm in a whole new world.
 This is a window out onto the lake.
 This is Lake Como.
 There are statues in this fountain.
 It looks like a flower blooming.
 This is a field, and it has houses and there is a horse.
 I'm looking at a horse during the long walk in the village.
In the background of this is some houses and a mountain, it's beautiful.

Saturday, March 2, 2013

The Pink Elephants

I had a tour of a brewery in Belgium, and I really enjoyed it, and the logo for it is a pink elephant.  It's quite nice, and they have tall golden, shiny posts.  And the brewery is the brewery of Delerium Tremens.  And the beer is supposed to be the best beer in the world.  And the beer is really quite nice, but I haven't tried it.  The background for the pink elephant is blue.  And we had a tour of the whole, entire brewery.  And the brewery is quite nice.  And I got a cap for my head, and a pink elephant mask.  I really like taking tours of breweries.  Because there's always something interesting there.  It smells crazy

I hope you are looking forward to hearing more stories. <3
Here are some pictures from the tour.
 This is a big, shiny tank with beer in it.
 This is me, Inge, and Sara-- my friend and my best friend.
 This is me, tuckered out.
 This is Sara, listening.
 There were so many grains, I had to make that face!
 This is Papa, taking a picture.
 This is me, putting my hand on a guage.
 This is the logo of the beer factory.
These are some drinks.

 This is Sara and me.  I am wearing a cap.
 This is some beer.
This is the Delerium logo.