Sunday, March 10, 2013

Our Trip to Italy

This is my trip to Italy.  We had ice cream there, and it's very nice there, and it's sunny, and I just want to say one thing:  The Rain in Spain Lies Mainly in the Plain. I saw that on My Fair Lady.

In Italy, we stayed in a hotel, and the beds were really comfy-- there were two beds.  We went to a cafe to have breakfast, and I think I really enjoy doing blogs.  Thank you so much for commenting on my blog.

In Italy, we went to Bellagio, and there were lots and lots of houses.  We stayed on Lake Como, and there were mountains in the background.  And there were mountains, and we took a walk in the hills, and we had ice cream in a shop.  The people there treated me so good.  They smiled and talked to me, patted my head, and kissed me and did this [holds face between her hands.] 

I'm looking forward to hearing more of your comments on my blog.

 Here's an ice cream restaurant.
 This picture makes me feel like I'm in a whole new world.
 This is a window out onto the lake.
 This is Lake Como.
 There are statues in this fountain.
 It looks like a flower blooming.
 This is a field, and it has houses and there is a horse.
 I'm looking at a horse during the long walk in the village.
In the background of this is some houses and a mountain, it's beautiful.


  1. Hi Amelia- What lovely photos! I love Italy too, but mostly I love you!

    Aunt Carol

  2. Amelia, what a lovely way to begin my day by reading your blog. That horse looked friendly. I'm curious, what flavor ice creams did you enjoy? When I was your age, my mother always made Sunday my favorite day by doing something special after church. If we went to the large cathedral downtown, we'd go to the Carnation ice cream store and I would always order what I thought was the prettiest ice cream: 1 scoop of lime sherbet and 1 scoop of orange sherbet!

  3. Hello again, Amelia! I loved the pictures! Italy really is very beautiful! I think the best thing about Italy is their ice cream! When Grandaddy and I went there, we had ice cream every day, sometimes twice! We were in Rome and saw LOTS of fountains! We didn't see any horses though. We went through those beautiful mountains later on our way to Switzerland and the countryside was gorgeous! I am glad all the people were so friendly to you! Thank you for telling us about your experiences in Italy, it was fun to read!

  4. Hi Amelia! I loved these beautiful pictures of Italy! We have been there Rome, Florence and Naples. You are doing a good job of reporting on your trip there. Thank you for the special birthday card you made me! We love you very much!

  5. Hi Amelia,

    You had proved that a school going teenage can also be a creative travel writer.

    Waiting for more such creativity from your side.

    You had flashed the wonderful memories of my Trip to Italy.


I would love for you to stop by and say hello. Thank you all for putting comments on my blog. Love, Amelia