Saturday, January 5, 2013

The Chewed Up Paper Bag

This is how I named my blog The Goat Ate the Paper Bag.
One day, I went to a farm.  I saw some goats and I had a paper bag full of feed, and I was feeding the goats the feed from my hand, but then one goat came along and just snatched the bag with its mouth, and chewed it up as quickly as it could!  And it was SO funny, that I just laughed and laughed.  I enjoyed that day so much that I just wanted to come back there again.  And we saw some mushrooms there-- they were crazy-shaped, and I don't know what kind they might be, they might be wood blewits, I just don't know which kind.  And I had a great time that day, and it was just so fun.
Thank you for all your comments yesterday-- I really appreciate you commenting on my blog.  It's such good fun to have comments on my blog.  You're the best people that I've ever, ever had on my blog before.


  1. congrats on your blog, Amelia! Keep them coming!

  2. That's a good photo of you and the goats. Do you think the goat got a stomach ache after he ate the bag? Hmm, I think I would have. ,keep writing! Grandma

  3. Thank you for explaining how your blog got its title, I was very curious about that. Just last week I took my children to the zoo, they also got to feed the goats, and brush them! I look forward to reading more of your blog posts.

  4. Hi Amelia! That was a really funny story! I think I would have laughed too! One time when I was little, a cow licked my face! I was SO surprised, and it felt like sand-paper! But I also thought it was funny! I look forward to hearing about more of your adventures!

  5. Something like that happened to me in Thailand. I bought a bunch of bananas to feed the elephants... I help up a banana and the elephant came over, but he reached past the banana with his trunk and took the whole bunch and put it in his mouth all at the same time. I guess elephants don't eat bananas one at a time like monkeys!

  6. Goats are very cute. I like your blog, Amelia.

  7. I was wondering about that name Amelia,so I'm glad you explained it. I guess goats can eat almost anything!! I love reading your blog! Love Grammy

  8. Amelia, I am excited that we have the same name. Do you know I was more than thirty years old before I met another Amelia? When I was your age, no one else I knew of was named Amelia and everyone called me Amy. It is nice to know of others who share my name. I knew your mom when she was younger and I read her blog often. I look forward to reading your blog often as well. Keep up the good work!

    Yours truly, Amelia

  9. I love that picture of you with the goats, Amelia! What a funny story! :)

  10. Oh! Great story! That goat is SMART!


I would love for you to stop by and say hello. Thank you all for putting comments on my blog. Love, Amelia